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Sriracha Beer Pickled Radishes

Sriracha Beer Pickled Radishes

I have a theory, just bear with me. It’s about 2020, and I don’t know if you noticed, but it was NO ONE’s year. It was brutal, and remember how we were all so excited for it to end as if that would change anything and then ’21 has been a shitshow? Here comes my theory: it wasn’t 2020, it was THE YEAR OF THE RAT that was the problem. You know, the Chinese astrological sign that runs from January 25, 2020 – February 11, 2021?

I know, it’s far-fetched, it’s reaching, it’s almost desperate in an attempt to explain the hideousness and blame it on rodents and the Zodiac. BUT, if you remember, January of 2020 was pretty decent, shit didn’t start to go down until February. And January of ’21 has been pretty terrible, but February could still be great. 

I’m reaching, I know this. But I’m going even further with this, so just hold on. Radishes symbolize positive change, luck, and good health. DO I believe any of this? Well, not really. But I also know it doesn’t hurt. I DO very much believe that hope and eating vegetables are good for you, and we could all use that right now. Nothing bad comes from pickled things and optimism. 

Sriracha Beer Pickled Radishes

5 from 2 votes


  • 1 bunch radishes thinly sliced
  • ¾ cup white or apple cider vinegar
  • ¾ cup pale ale or IPA
  • 1 tablespoon sriracha
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoons salt


  • Add the radishes to a container.
  • Add the vinegar, beer, sriracha, and salt to a microwave-safe container, heat until the sugar and salt has dissolved (this can also be done on the stovetop).
  • Pour the liquid over the radishes. Cover and refrigerate for 1 day and up to several weeks.
  • Enjoy chilled.

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Robert January 20, 2021 um 5:22 pm

5 stars
Is an IPA, or Pale ail necessary? What other beers can be used?


Jackie January 21, 2021 um 9:10 am

No, you can use any beer. IPA or pale ale will give you a stronger beer flavor but any beer will work. A darker colored beer (like a porter or stout) will make the radishes look a little brown.


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