About Us

Our Office in Cologne/Germany
Founded in 2011 by Jackie Dodd Mallory, Domestic Fits and The Beeroness (both sites were merged in 2022) have over time informed, inspired and entertained millions of people around the world with delicious recipes and valuable food knowledge. We have been featured on USA Today, CBC, Buzzfeed, Huffpost and dozens of other global media brands. In addition, we received a blog award from the renowned Saveur magazine.
Since 2022, Domestic Fits is a property of 4pub GmbH, a global media outlet. We have specialized in the operation of high-quality editorial online platforms and always report editorially independent.
4pub GmbH is headquartered in Germany, but we operate largely remotely. Our professional editors are mainly based in Germany, England and the USA. We currently have seven trained editors working full-time to produce top-notch content that you can rely on.
All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy.
Contact Us / Imprint
4pub GmbH
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50670 Köln
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Köln
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Tel +49 221 34663763
E-Mail inbox (at) domesticfits.com (we do not sell links and report all corresponding requests as spam.)
CEO: Johannes Haupt