Garlic Beer Cheese Rolls

My book tour kicks off in a few days and one of my first stops is at Bear Republic, one of my favorite California breweries. On October 10th, from 6:30 to 8:30 I’ll be at the pub in Healdsburg hanging out, signing books, hoping to meet some of you and gleefully consuming some Bourbon Smokey Bear Stout. Join me, if you’re in the area, sit down and have a beer with me.
It was the beauty of Racer 5 IPA that introduced me to Bear Republic, quickly becoming a go-to favorite of mine, one I always have on hand at parties. It’s a crowd pleaser with just the right amount of hops to give you what you want but not overwhelm, it gives a perfect balance.
Because of that perfectly balanced hop kick, it’s a great beer-cheese-beer. Even more perfect to stuff that beer cheese inside a tender garlic filled roll for an awesomely beer flavored garlic cheese roll that can be a meal all in itself. But really, it’s just about being responsible when drinking, you need to eat something to soak up all that fantastic Racer 5 you be able to put down.
Join me October 10th, 2013 Â 6:30-8:30, at Bear Republic!
Garlic Beer Cheese Rolls
For the Dough
- 3 cups all purpose flour
- 1 envelope rapid rise yeast 2 ¼ tsp
- 1 tbs white sugar
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 cup IPA beer
- 1 tsp salt
- ¼ cup olive oil
For the Filling:
- 4 ounces cream cheese
- 6 wt oz cheddar cheese shredded (about 2 cups)
- ½ cup IPA
- 3 cloves garlic grated with a microplane
- ½ tsp salt
For the Topping:
- 3 wt oz cheddar shredded (about 1 cup)
- In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook attachment, add the flour, yeast, sugar and garlic powder. Mix until combined.
- In a microwave safe bowl add the beer. Microwave on high for 20 seconds, test temperature with a cooking thermometer and repeat until temperature reaches between 120 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Add the beer to the stand mixer and mix on medium speed. Once most of the dough has been moistened, add the oil and sprinkle with the salt while the mixer is still running.
- Turn speed to high and beat until dough is smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.
- Transfer dough to a lightly oiled bowl, tightly wrap with plastic wrap. Allow to sit in a warm room until doubled in size, about 45 to 60 minutes. Remove from bowl and add to a lightly floured surface. Knead several times, roll out into a rectangle about 10 inches by 18 inches.
- Add all of the filling ingredients to a food processor, process until smooth and well combined, about 5 minutes.
- Spread the filling evenly across the dough. Starting at the long edge roll the dough into a log. Cut the dough into 8 rolls, each about 2 inches wide. Place cut side down into a baking dish. Cover and allow to rise until doubled in size, about 30 minutes.
- Sprinkle with remaining cheddar cheese.
- Bake uncovered at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and starting to brown. Serve warm.
I use this Microplane to turn a clove of garlic into paste in a second. (Affiliate link)
Kelly @ hidden fruits and veggies October 2, 2013 um 1:03 pm
I’m a HUGE fan of your beer cheese dip with roasted garlic, so I can only imagine how amazing these rolls are (until I have an excuse to make them, that is!). My mouth is watering.
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie October 2, 2013 um 2:03 pm
Cheese and beer, such a great pair!
Candace @ Cabot October 2, 2013 um 2:47 pm
Garlic! Cheese! Beer! A trifecta of deliciousness all rolled into a…roll! Thank you for this amazing recipe!
Averie @ Averie Cooks October 2, 2013 um 3:53 pm
Ohmygosh congrats on your book tour! That is sooo cool. And Healdsburg and the wine country, so much awesomeness. Going to try my best for the San Diego one!
Cassie October 2, 2013 um 6:27 pm
These are OUT of this WORLD. I hope your tour stops off in Missouri somewhere!
Tieghan October 2, 2013 um 7:06 pm
You need to come to Colorado!! And by that actually mean up to the mountains!
These rolls are killer. Beer and cheese rolls with garlic? Oh my gosh, yes!
Laurie {Simply Scratch} October 2, 2013 um 7:36 pm
Soooo I’m thinking you will need an assistant… for your book tour and all… just sayin' I’m available… if you should like need one or something. 🙂
Keepin my fingers cross you come to the mitten… I’ll be the first one in line!
Lauren October 3, 2013 um 7:03 am
You should come to Fort Collins and Denver. The Front Range has many craft breweries!!! Yum!
Bree (Skinny Mommy) October 3, 2013 um 8:48 am
These look amazing! I wish I was headed to Healdsburg for your book tour!
Michelle Lahey October 3, 2013 um 10:33 am
Cheese and beer = two of my favorite things. I am definitely making these next week!
Denise October 3, 2013 um 11:31 am
Thanks for plugging your stop in Healdsburg. I’m hoping my girlfriend will want to go with me. Will you have cookbooks there?
Jackie October 3, 2013 um 12:15 pm
Yes I will! I’ll be selling books at every stop. Hope to see you both there.
Julie October 8, 2013 um 3:22 pm
I am so excited for your cookbook! I’m hoping to see some Midwest tour sites soon 🙂
Jackie October 8, 2013 um 3:31 pm
Me too! I have some really good friends in St. Paul MN and some in Nebraska too.
Lora @cakeduchess October 8, 2013 um 4:17 pm
Congrats on your book and the tour! :)LOVE these fabulous rolls…
Sian November 27, 2013 um 9:41 am
Love the recipe but mine turned out kind of stodgy – the dough didn’t expand at all. It would be great if the recipes on here gave the cup measurements in grams or oz – I’m in the UK and there’s lots of confusion online about how much is in a US cup. I think this is where I came unstuck!
Jackie November 27, 2013 um 9:44 am
I’m so sorry it didn’t work for you! If the dough didn’t rise, it wasn’t because of the recipe. Possibly the yeast. If you used regular dry active yeast, rather than rapid rise (it’s rated for higher temperatures) than the yeast was most likely killed before it was able to rise the dough. And I wish we were on the metric system as well, it’s so much less confusing!