Passover Risotto: Quinoa & Roasted Mushrooms
I’m over at a Passover Potluck today with Tori at The Shiksa In the Kitchen! Check it out, if you are Jewish or a Shiksa (non-jewish girl) I think you are gonna love it. Tori and I have acctualy known each other since the 4th grade and reconnect as adults through blogging.
She is one of the most genuine people I have ever known, sweet, smart and generous with her talents and knowledge.
Tori recently interviewed a man I know, Michael, who is an 81 year old Holocaust survivor who was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp when he was 13. His story is incredible and Tori even got is World Famous Tiramisu recipe! The interview is inspiring, you should read it (Click here).
The recipe I created today for the Potluck is one of my favorite dishes, risotto, that I have re-made using the rules of Kosher cooking, which Tori was sweet enough to walk me through! I love Risotto, which is traditionally made with rice, but during passover, it isn’t considered Kosher. You all know my love for quinoa, so this was a fabulous stand in when rice is not an option! Roasting the mushrooms was so quick, and developed a rich flavor quickly.
Check it out over at The Shiksa!
Cassie March 24, 2012 um 8:02 pm
This sounds so good. Going to check it out now. What a fun idea. I am not Jewish but am fascinated by the traditions, especially those that surround Passover. Can’t wait to read about it!
Amy March 25, 2012 um 8:31 am
Hey, do you think this could be frozen?
I’m trying to make some Passover dishes before hand, and was curious if this could be frozen and re-heated.
Just wondering.
Jackie March 25, 2012 um 8:58 am
Theres nothing in this that would go bad if it was frozen, but the problem would be reheating it so that it actually tasted good. I’ve never tried it, but I would imagine that the quinoa would do much better than rice to reheat. If you do freeze it, you will need to add extra broth so that it doesn’t get dry.
chinmayie @ love food eat March 25, 2012 um 9:45 pm
That looks great! I love the look of roasted mushrooms over the risotto!
Julia March 26, 2012 um 9:59 am
I recently converted my 'risotto loving husband' to a 'quinoa loving husband.' Yep, we’ll be making this, FO SHIZZLE!
Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious March 28, 2012 um 8:41 pm
How innovative. I absolutely love the idea of using quinoa for risotto.
Julia {The Roasted Root} March 29, 2012 um 11:11 am
How do I get invited to your potluck? 😉 I like the mushrooms, I like the risotto, I like that this doesn’t take me all day to make. 🙂 Great recipe and thanks!
Kim Bee March 29, 2012 um 11:31 am
Jackie this is a wonderful addition to the potluck. You sure know how to bring it. I love how you used quinoa in this. I don’t think I’ve read that article she wrote so I’ll stop by and check it out today. A little behind in my reading right now.
[email protected] April 2, 2012 um 7:00 am
This is so elegant! I love that you used the protein-packed quinoa!
Saif April 5, 2012 um 10:09 am
I am quite new in passover this year. That’s why looking for some special food items. Really got some special recipes from you here.
Wishing you a happy Passover.
You can take a look at this passover message: on this celebration. Very unique one.
Diane April 21, 2019 um 9:43 pm
Looks tasty, but in what way is this a Passover recipe? For most observant Jews, Passover revolves around meat meals — especially at the seders. No cheese, no butter.
This is an interesting side dish, but no connection to Passover or to any kosher meal that includes meat.