Mickey Mouse Kids Party Favor Bar
Tater turned 3.
I feel like I just typed up her Lets Have A Ball 2nd birthday party post, and now she’s three. To say that "It Goes By So Fast" is like saying a ghost chili is "kind of spicy." I want her to stop growing up so fast, but I love this amazing tiny person she’s turning into.
All she wanted for her birthday was a Mickey Mouse party, save the Princesses for someone else, it’s all about the Mouse for this kid. For the past two years I’ve been making Candy Buffets, which are adorable, but let’s be honest, there are some issues. First: there is always leftover candy and that is no bueno when it comes to my lack of self-control. Second, they are always more expensive than I think. To buy enough candy to fill the cute jars, not to mention getting the coordinating colors you want, it can be up $100 (p.s. that’s too much to spend on candy for a kids party).
Also, most parents don’t get super excited about their kids leaving a party with a gigantic bag of kiddie crack. The favor bar worked out much better, it was cheaper, parents where happier and the leftovers haven’t cause me to gain even an ounce.
Here’s a list of what I bought:
For the banner I used this Red Polka Dot Banner from Oriental Trading for $3, then printed PRIZE BAR (using the free Mickey Ears font) on a regular printer, just glued the letters on using a glue stick. I downloaded FREE Mickey Mouse fonts to use for all the signs and the invitations. I also bought Mickey Party Hats and Minnie Ears (both of these are also available at Party City).
I bought small 1 ounce bubbles (about this size) really cheap. Because I was going to pull the labels off I bought the Class of 2012 bubbles on sale at a local party store.
I made these labels and glued them on with glue stick (I’ve posted the label below without my kids name, but I put her name on one side of the Mickey and is 3! on the other using the free Walter font.
For a printable PDF file, click here: bubbles printable
I also bought 24 small crayon packs for $5.25, because every mom can use some purse crayons. I also bought small Mickey coloring books at Party City for 30 cents each, Tater loves those so the leftovers are great for road trips and hanging at restaurants. I had Mickey Mouse temporary tattoos as well as stickers, that the kids seemed to love. I had some candy, but not a lot. I like the fake M&M’s from Simple Truth (sold at Ralph’s, QFC, Pay Less) because they don’t have any artificial food dyes.
For the bags I used these mini popcorn boxes ($6), hot glued on some yellow ribbon and buttons I had on hand to make really cute Mickey Britches Boxes.
All together, the favor bar cost about $32 for 22 kids (about $1.45 per kid) and the kids were able to pick out what they wanted. I had leftovers, but nothing that won’t get used at some point!
I also made the Easiest Mickey Cupcakes Ever, which require zero decorating skills. Not part of the favor bar, but part of the Mickey Party Extravaganza.
All you need is chocolate mini muffins (mini cupcakes), red frosting, plus 1 large dark chocolate candy melt, and two chocolate chips (per mini cupcake). Just make sure to press the pointed side down, and you are set. Cute and super simple.
Shelly April 9, 2013 um 5:26 am
Everything looked so cute! Great idea to have a favor bar as opposed to a bunch of candy. Parties can get so expensive but you were able to throw an adorable and affordable party!
Jen @ Savory Simple April 9, 2013 um 6:08 am
She is just the cutest thing ever.
Jan April 9, 2013 um 6:51 am
Love the party favors bar. Here is one if you love nature. Grow a pet TickleMe Plant in the TickleMe Plant Party favor and be amazed to see the leaves fold up like crazy when you Tickle them!
Anna @ Crunchy Creamy Sweet April 9, 2013 um 7:28 am
She is so adorable!! Love the Mickey Mouse party theme! You supermom, you 🙂
ashley – baker by nature April 9, 2013 um 7:59 am
You are a mommy rock star! And omg, Your little 3 year old is just the cutest.
Nicole @ Young, Broke and Hungry April 9, 2013 um 9:19 am
Your little girl is precious, I am sure she was super excited to have such an awesome birthday!
Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies April 9, 2013 um 9:38 am
Such a cute party theme! I love the cupcakes. And your daughter is just adorable. 🙂
Gerry @ Foodness Gracious April 9, 2013 um 9:54 am
Wow, what a cool set up! She looks super happy too. For her Fourth party (I know hang in there a second) there’s a store called U.S toy and it sells everyyyyyything for about the same prices as reg party stores. I think there’s only 1 in CA…in Garden Grove.
RavieNomNoms April 9, 2013 um 1:27 pm
Oh my word this is SO cute!! I am sure she was such a happy little one! 🙂
Julie @ Table for Two April 9, 2013 um 5:15 pm
oh my gosh, this is precious!! my niece who just turned 2 had a mickey mouse bday party too!! she’s obsessed with her "mimi" – i’m going to share this with my SIL – i bet she’ll be using some of your super cute ideas!!
Bree {Skinny Mommy} April 10, 2013 um 8:56 am
Seriously you are making the rest of us moms look bad! 😉 This party looks great. My little guy just three on the 23rd of March!
Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious April 10, 2013 um 12:38 pm
Too stinking cute! Okay now you’re making me want to have kids just so I can throw them a party! 🙂
Anna (Hidden Ponies) April 10, 2013 um 10:24 pm
PERFECT! Thanks for the tips, my two-year-old is SO going to want a Mickey party in September, he’s obsessed. Those simple cupcakes are right up my decorating alley 🙂