Foolproof Beer Cheese Sauce

To be honest, this post is one hundred percent selfish.
Since the shooting Friday, I haven’t been able to stop watching the news or reading every bit of online news about the recent tragedy. Therefore, the tears are pretty much a mainstay in my life.
And in my emotionally fragile state, I can’t handle a beer cheese failure and we could all use even a small win.
Let’s be honest, beer cheese can be a bitch. It’s a pretty standard fondue, but it has about a 50% fail rate (*this is a completely made up statistic based solely on conjecture & observation) and I didn’t want to deal with a mess if the Beer Cheese Gods were otherwise occupied.
Look back on my blender epiphany that brought us the Roast Garlic and Parmesan Beer Cheese Dip and the epic win that it is, I wanted to see if it also extended it’s foolproof graces to beer cheese sauce.
It does. Blend the crap out of it and it won’t have a choice but to work. This takes the guesswork, and the fear of failure, out of making a lovely little cheese sauce for all to enjoy.
And don’t forget the cornstarch, it’s not yummy, I wouldn’t ask you to add it if it wasn’t important. Also, pre-shredded cheese has additives that hinder it’s ability to re-melt, so don’t use it.
Foolproof Beer Cheese Sauce
- 2 tablespoons Butter softened (or melted)
- 2 tablespoons Flour
- 1 tablespoons Cornstarch
- 1 cup beer wheat beer, blonde ale, pale ale, pilsner
- 1 cup shredded Gouda do not use pre shredded
- 1 cup shredded Cheddar do not use pre shredded
- 1 cup whole milk
- salt and pepper
- Add all ingredients to a blender or food processor. Process on high until very well blended, about 5-8 minutes.
- Transfer contents to a saucepan over medium high heat. Whisk rapidly and continuously until thickened, about 5 minutes.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- If small bits of cheese solids remain, blend until smooth with a hand blender.
- Serve warm.
Averie Cooks December 18, 2012 um 1:50 am
Beer cheese failures wouldnt be good. Nor would any recipe failure. But especially now. (hugs!)
claire @ the realistic nutritionist December 18, 2012 um 7:21 am
It would be okay if I drank this, right? And you know what? Its okay to have a "selfish" moment and not feel bad about it. I think we are all so fragile and upset over what happened we are forgetting to breath and continue to live, you know? This looks gorgeous as always Jackie!
Jackie December 18, 2012 um 8:07 am
Thanks Lady! I’m not normally this emotional, but the pictures of those kids, and the stories, I can’t even function.
Ashley – Baker by Nature December 18, 2012 um 7:55 am
This is a major win, Jackie! I want to dip everything in this… everything!
I’ve been with you on the tears, too… it’s been hard to not cry – or think about what happened – constantly.
Jackie December 18, 2012 um 8:05 am
Seriously. I can’t even believe how much I’ve cried and how I still torture myself by reading and watching everything I can about it.
addie | culicurious December 18, 2012 um 8:58 am
This looks like a big bowl of comfort. I hope you’ve found some since Friday. Sending you a big virtual hug 🙂
Sarah Z December 18, 2012 um 9:26 am
I love a good sauce and love to find a fool-proof one. Everyone needs a little comfort lately and this is perfect!
It’s completely ok to be emotional – this is something that we should never have to deal with as a nation or a world! So sad!
Katie @ Blonde Ambition December 18, 2012 um 10:24 am
I have been the same…It’s hard to avoid online news sites when you sit on a computer all day. But I think beer and cheese will always help a hurting heart 🙂
Joseph Callender December 18, 2012 um 2:24 pm
Somewhat related, I suggested we put Ballast Point Sculpin in a artichoke and cheese dip at the tasting room I work in. Wow! did it provide a great bitter bite to the dip.
Highly suggested!
Jackie December 18, 2012 um 6:04 pm
I love and IPA for this, but the wrong one and it’s way too overpowering of a beer taste. I Love Sculpin, the Habanero Sculpin would be amazing in this!
Cassie | Bake Your Day December 18, 2012 um 5:24 pm
Simple and perfect…love it!
Cathy @ Noble Pig December 19, 2012 um 7:03 am
I had to stop watching the news. I didn’t want to see, and I don’t even if there was coverage of the funerals. I just don’t know how these parents got themselves out of bed to go to their childs funerals. Someone would have to carry me. Ugh, tears again.
I agree, the comfort food right now is paramount and this is lovely.
Amber @ Slim Pickin’s Kitchen December 20, 2012 um 7:30 am
Yay! I’m pretty sure I tried to make a beer cheese fondue at some point and it didn’t work out to well. I know for sure I didn’t use pre-shredded cheese (the horror!) so I’m glad to know that it was due to the slackness of the beer & cheese god’s and not some mistake I made 😉
Bree December 20, 2012 um 2:21 pm
Looks perfect–Like great comfort food as well….
harry December 20, 2012 um 10:16 pm
I’ve never been able to make it smooth and creamy, it always ends up a big mess. I have to try this now!
Anna @ Crunchy Creamy Sweet December 21, 2012 um 3:29 pm
I had to turn off the tv eventually because my heart just can’t take anymore… I can’t imagine what those parents are going through…
Anyways, this beer cheese sauce needs to happen in my kitchen. My Hubby would be grateful 🙂
Chef Kirsten December 27, 2012 um 9:36 am
Thanks for sharing this deliciousness. I’m so sorry about your pain after that horrific news, I hear ya. I had a full day of personal chef clients that day, got through it crying all day, got home and cooked dinner for my family – I was so upset and just shaken, I literally cut the tip of my finger off. That day was just terrible! This cheese sauce looks amazing. I saw your recommendation for the Habanero sculpin – I am going to try to source this! Thanks!
Jackie December 27, 2012 um 10:22 am
It would have been really hard for me to be around people on that day! I’m sure people understood, I think the majority of the country was crying.
They don’t bottle the Habanero Sculpin, but if you live near San Diego, there are often bars that sell growlers that have it on tap. It’s great beer!
Bell H. December 30, 2012 um 3:39 pm
I agree! Everytime I make beer cheese the "regular" way it is a big huge mess, I thought it was just me. Thanks,I’ll try it this way next time for sure.
Lindsay December 31, 2012 um 10:04 pm
I have had such a tough time with beer cheese! Seriously, I am your 50% fail rate. I can’t wait to try this. Plus, comfort food always seems to make things better… if beer and cheese isn’t comfort, I’m not sure what is!
a farmer in the dell January 21, 2013 um 7:55 pm
I’m making this sauce for the super bowl. Thanks for the recipe!
Jessica February 5, 2013 um 12:25 pm
I’m making this dip for a beer tasting party this weekend. What are a few beers you have tried this with (aside from the Habanero Sculpin which sounds amazing!)? I was thinking the Lagunitas pale ale or pilsner. Any recommendations would be appreciated! Thanks so much!
Jackie February 5, 2013 um 12:52 pm
Stone beers work pretty well (ruination, IPA, Pale Ale) because they have a hoppy bite. If you want more of a beer taste, use a higher hop beer. If you want a more mellow beer taste, go for a pilsner or a wheat beer. Laguanitas beers would be good because they are all pretty high hop so your beer taste would be pretty good.
Mo March 11, 2014 um 4:57 pm
I know this is an old (sad) thread, but I wanted to share a couple of things I did that worked great for my needs.
I made this and instead of using a blender (I don’t have one) I threw all the ingredients in the pan I was going to cook the sauce in and blended it with an immersion blender.
Then, I took 1/2 of the blended ingredients out (we didn’t need very much) and put it in a jar to used later and followed the directions for heating the other 1/2 of the sauce.
2 days later I shook the jar with the pre-mixed ingredients and heated them in a pan as directed…voila!
Super simple one pan cheese sauce!
Blending this is a great idea. No cheese sauce reheats well and blending it took care of the waste I would have inevitable had.
You’re the best Beeroness!
Jackie March 11, 2014 um 6:18 pm
Thank you! I don’t really have issues with making cheese sauce, I’ve figured it out. But it really breaks my heart when people try to make one of my recipes and it doesn’t work for them, so I like things that I know anyone can do and be successful. SO this is easy for me to give to people who have never made a cheese sauce.
Courtney April 13, 2014 um 8:34 pm
I was so excited to try this and I did half the recepie. It was perfectly thick when I got it out of the blender and then as soon as I heated it up… was liquid!! What happened??
Tiffany February 1, 2015 um 3:36 pm
I just made this for super bowl sunday and used a dark lager. it is absolutely delicious! thank you so much!!!
Matthew July 20, 2016 um 6:52 am
I just made this with a porter, smoked gouda, and smoked paprika added. Served it with roasted beef, caramelized onions, and cheese stuffed pretzels. It was insane. This method totally works, I love it.
Jackie July 20, 2016 um 9:49 am
That sounds awesome!
Stephanie September 28, 2016 um 11:22 am
Can this be made the night before a party and warmed up in a crockpot?
Jackie September 28, 2016 um 12:33 pm
I think so. If it thickens up, add a little more beer or some milk.
Patti Goodman June 20, 2019 um 8:08 pm
What would happen if I put a bit of softened cream cheese into the mix??
Jackie June 21, 2019 um 8:17 am
I haven’t tried it but it sounds good to me!