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Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream (Vegan)


( chocolate coconut ice cream vegan ) 

I’m still in shock about this ice cream.

First, I am still wrestling with this realization that I actually DO like coconut after years of testifying to my hatred for it. But it turns out that I love it, and my favorite of all the coconut products is coconut milk. And although I still loath "coconut" candy and all the oddly texture invasive disgust that it has assaulted my mouth with over the years, but I can’t hold that against the amazing substance that is coconut milk.

I can’t stop putting it in things and my fervent adoration has only grown once I have discovered what it does once it hits my KitchenAid Ice Cream maker (affiliate link).

A creamy texture that is much better than any cow’s milk product I have ever made. You’ve seen a can of full fat coconut milk, and that creamy layer on the top, it’s beautiful. And it’s incredible in ice cream, with a smooth and rich flavor that reminds me of the gelato I had in Italy.

You will love this and everyone will be shocked that it’s vegan. I can’t even believe it.

Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream


  • 2 (13.5 oz) cans of full fat coconut milk
  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup good quality unsweetened cocoa powder

Yield: About 2 1/2 cups


  1. In a pot over medium heat, add all the ingredients and stir. Allow to simmer until thickened slightly, about 8 minutes.
  2. Place in a container and refrigerate until cold, about 4 hours.
  3. Add to an ice cream maker and churn until set, about 15 to 20 minutes. Freeze until desired consistency is reached

*Note: I use a Kitchen Aid Ice Cream maker: churn time was 15 minutes for a "soft serve" consistency and another 2 hours of freeze time for a harder scoop style ice cream.



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claire @ the realistic nutritionist August 8, 2012 um 11:07 am

Just shut up. Vegan? Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes.


Baking Serendipity August 8, 2012 um 12:14 pm

I’ve been obsessed with all things coconut lately. And this definitely makes the favorite list!


amy @ fearless homemaker August 8, 2012 um 3:26 pm

I looove the combo of chocolate + coconut, so this sounds perfect to me. Only 3 ingredients? And vegan? It almost sounds too perfect to be true!


Julie @ Table for Two August 8, 2012 um 5:22 pm

wow, chocolate and coconut in ice cream..just scoop me a pint, please!


Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious August 8, 2012 um 6:54 pm

Awesome combo, Jackie! And it’s the perfect way to cool off here in the valley. It’s been sooooo hot!

Btw, I’m not a coconut fan either but for some reason, I LOOOOOVE coconut milk. I think I might be obsessed with it.


Baker Street August 8, 2012 um 11:28 pm

It totally feels like a coconut chocolate kinda day!! I LOVE the combination and your vegan recipe sounds fantastic, Jackie!


Jen @ Savory Simple August 9, 2012 um 5:31 am

Coconut milk makes the best ice cream! This looks wonderful.


Natalie August 9, 2012 um 8:20 am

I just made a very similar recipe the other day using a 1/4 cup of agave necter instead of sugar and unsweetened bakers chocolate as well as the coconut milk. I’m an ice cream lover and this is one of the richest treats I’ve had. I was pleasantly surprised by the combination!


Jackie August 9, 2012 um 9:40 am

It’s shocking that it’s vegan. My husband is the a much bigger fan of ice cream than I am, and chocolate is his fav and even he was shocked that it was vegan.


Kare @ Kitchen Treaty August 9, 2012 um 8:31 am

I’ve always loved coconut anything (well, the candy you mention doesn’t sound great, but other than that …). But I, too, have just this summer discovered the joys of coconut milk. It makes great popsicles, too – even the "lite" versions!

This ice cream looks so great, and I love that it has only three ingredients. I want to sneak some chocolate chunks in there, but that’s just me being a pig. 🙂


Jackie August 9, 2012 um 9:39 am

That sounds awesome. And maybe some nuts and marshmallows and make a coconut rocky road.


marla August 9, 2012 um 12:10 pm

Such a fun ice cream!


vegan chocolate coconut ice cream. | Cooking Pics August 9, 2012 um 1:56 pm

[…] vegan chocolate coconut ice cream. /* […]


petra k August 9, 2012 um 3:04 pm

Usually I do not make recipes off blogs but I just gave up dairy because my son is allergic and I’m so happy I did! This was so good, it didn’t even taste vegan one bit. I am going to make this even if he grows out the allergy. It was even better than I expected.


Tiffany August 9, 2012 um 4:30 pm

Oh HECK yeah! I recently made a vegan chocolate lavender ice cream with coconut milk and silken tofu. It was out of this world!!! I can only imagine how lovely your ice cream was!


Kim Conrad August 10, 2012 um 10:57 pm

That sounds amazing! Is there a recipe online?


chinmayie @ love food eat August 9, 2012 um 11:51 pm

How simple is this! I recently tried making ice-cream with cashew and almond milk and it worked so well. Now I have to try coconut milk as well 🙂


Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies August 10, 2012 um 11:51 am

This week I realized that summer is nearing an end and I’ve only used my ice cream maker once. Sad! Might have to make some coconut milk ice cream soon…


ATasteOfMadness August 12, 2012 um 9:06 am

This sounds so simple!! All I need now is an ice cream maker…


Maggie August 14, 2012 um 10:40 am

This was awesome. I did use dark cocoa…cause it was all I had and I may scale it back a bit next time, but still totally amazing.


fatpiginthemarket August 24, 2012 um 3:23 pm

Coconut milk instead of cream in ice cream is totally inspiring me. I love the stuff. Very cool idea!


Amy @ Food Crush September 4, 2012 um 1:29 pm

Oh wow, I would love a bowl of this right now! It looks divine and I love the recipe.


A Farewell to Summer – The Celebration Girl September 27, 2012 um 4:22 am

[…] banana ice cream from The Kitchn (a wonderful guilt free treat!) , and an absolutely delicious vegan coconut chocolate ice cream.  We also made Food and Cook’s chocolate popsicles  and  her yogurt and raspberries […]


Michelle November 5, 2012 um 6:07 am

I just made this today and it is to die for!!! So simple, too, I love it! It’s hardeing in the freezer too; can’t wait to eat it in a few hours. SO creamy and flavorful. My cocoa all lumped up so I strained the mixture before sticking it in the fridge. I just pressed on the cocoa lumps through the strainer. Some of them squished out came out on the other side, but I ended up discarding some of it that wouldn’t go through. Not a problem in the finished recipe, though.


Menu Plan Monday – second week of Lent | heartland Renaissance March 25, 2013 um 4:05 am

[…] his birthday warrants me firing up ye olde ice cream maker for the first time this season with some chocolate coconut milk ice cream.  […]


Julia March 30, 2013 um 5:47 pm

Make this recipe all the time, it’s wonderful 🙂 Tonight we threw in some mint chocolate chips (vegan) and chopped walnuts. Amazing!!!


Jackie March 31, 2013 um 3:37 pm

That sounds amazing!!


Home Made Ice Cream Recipes You Need To Try | Weeklysauce April 15, 2013 um 7:01 am

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Sonya May 30, 2013 um 9:09 am

I made this two days ago and WOW is it good! I will fully admit that I was kinda sceptical..I dont know why but I was. I mixed it up,put it into the ice cream maker and had to stop myself from eating it all when putting it into a container to freeze for It was fantastic and super easy. I can see adding in some chopped almonds or walnuts aswell. Total keeper of a recipe..thank you!


Jackie May 30, 2013 um 9:59 am

Thank you Sonya! So glad you liked it 🙂 and I’m with you on the nuts, that sounds great. Or toasted coconut on top?


Food – Awesome Vegan Ice Cream Recipes | Everything Cool June 15, 2013 um 4:36 pm

[…] Recipe here. […]


Paulette Provost June 17, 2013 um 1:27 pm

I can’t eat sugar…can I make this with stevia?


Jackie June 17, 2013 um 2:49 pm

I’m not sure, I’ve never used Stevia. If you do, report back and let me know how it went!


Moonriseprincess July 9, 2013 um 3:06 am

I mad this ice cream and also made two other flavors with the same recipe: berries and vanilla, I simply replaced the cocoa with vanilla and wizzed up, strained berries….awesomeeeeeee….best thing I had since ever….my friend and husband loved also….made a combo with bananas, raspberry, chopped nuts, melted vegan choc and sour cherry syrup….no words to describe…..thank you….


Jackie July 9, 2013 um 8:15 am

Awesome! So glad you like it 🙂


Alyaa July 13, 2013 um 4:59 am

is it oz as in ml or grams?


Jackie July 13, 2013 um 7:07 am

Liquid is generally measured in fluid ounces, not weight. So it can be converted into ML. But it just needs two standard sized cans of full fat coconut milk.


Jnr July 19, 2013 um 6:29 am

Can this be done without an ice cream maker? It looks so amazing and such a simple recipe!


Jackie July 19, 2013 um 8:21 am

I’ve never tried it but Averie makes ice cream with out a maker and it looks really great. Here is a link:


Barbara July 29, 2013 um 6:13 am

Can you make this without simmering the mixture first?


Jackie July 29, 2013 um 9:25 am

Not really. It’s the only way to make sure the sugar has dissolved and well combined with the coconut milk and cocoa powder.


lovely list // 01 | ▲WORKHOUSE▽ July 29, 2013 um 10:15 am

[…] up with old friends and their wee one -watched a movie + had a family slumber party -we made coconut chocolate ice cream -being gifted with an abundance of kale and nectarines from homegrown gardens -watching anaïs make […]


Christine Whittington August 25, 2013 um 11:13 am

I also have an extreme hatred of coconut–almost an aversion. I can only think that it must be related to texture, because coconut milk is not a problem–quite the opposite, in fact. I love it! I love coconut milk yogurt, ice cream, in curries, etc., as long as it is really smooth.

THIS is the best thing I have made in my ice cream maker yet. It also does not freeze into an ungodly block–the texture remains perfect. I did add 1 T vanilla extract after simmering and cooling, and that may help with keeping it at the right texture.

Thank you! This is superb!


Jackie August 25, 2013 um 11:17 am

Great! Love the vanilla extract idea 🙂


Maya August 27, 2013 um 11:50 am

Hi! this is goooood, yum! I make pretty much the same thing but no cooking required, I just mix the coconut milk, with cacao and honey (instead of sugar). I also added some vanilla flavour, some brandy and some chopped black chocolate.


Amy P September 3, 2013 um 8:17 am

I live in Indonesia where coconut is abundant. No canned stuff here.
So if I want to use fresh one, how thick of the consistency should I be looking for?



Jackie September 3, 2013 um 3:41 pm

Fairly thick, I would say like slightly runny pudding.


Vijay January 27, 2014 um 12:46 am

Canned ones are better, they are way thicker than home made. We make coconut milk all the time at home, blender and a strainer. Even the thickest first pressing milk was watery compared to canned one.

BTW I’m from India and we get 3 big coconuts for 1 USD 🙂 !! We never buy canned stuff for our regular cooking. But for icecream we do get canned coconut milk.


Laura September 10, 2013 um 8:02 am

I made this last night- I could not believe how good it was! All I could find at the store was Trader Joes Canned Coconut Cream and it made the ice cream thick and creamy. I was amazed at how simple and yet how rich-tasting it was. And as it was churning in my ice cream maker- I added little chunks of chunky pnt butter. The best ever! Thanks again


BUGI November 12, 2013 um 12:11 pm

Hi, sounds great, but I am a little confused, is it 2 whole cans of coconut milk or only the fat stuff on top when I open the can ?


Jackie November 12, 2013 um 6:33 pm

The entire cans.


First Dairy-Free Ice Cream: Chocolate Coconut | Dairy-Free Switzerland September 27, 2013 um 10:47 am

[…] but finally found the time to do it this morning. I discovered an extremely easy recipe online for Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream, and we pulled out our old ice cream maker. I think it’s been a decade since we last used it, but […]


Ebru December 19, 2013 um 2:32 am

This is a very tasty recipe. Made this yesterday it’s great 😉


Lea December 21, 2013 um 6:06 pm

Can you please tell me, is the recipe for 1 + 1/4 cups of sugar or 1/4 cup of sugar. Want to make this but don’t want to get it wrong.


Jackie December 21, 2013 um 6:09 pm

It’s 1 and 1/4 cups sugar


Azure December 30, 2013 um 9:19 am

I just made this ice cream and it was very good. I added toasted almonds and vegan marshmallow pieces for a vegan rocky road. My only note would be to cut down the sugar as it was a bit too sweet. Most recipes I have seen using two cans of milk use 3/4 cup sugar. But overall this recipe was delicious and my whole family loved it.


LizS February 4, 2014 um 1:02 pm

This is delicious and doesn’t set rock hard in the freezer after 24 hours like cream based ice cream does. Very simple recipe too.


Jaq February 23, 2014 um 2:14 pm

I loved this recipe, and so did my partner, who makes a lot of his own ice cream….thank you, thank you!!!! (I’m lactose intolerant, and now gluten free, and this recipe is perfect!)


Jackie February 23, 2014 um 2:39 pm

Oh good! I’m so glad 🙂


Rebecca Miller May 27, 2014 um 7:38 pm

Sitting in my fridge awaiting it’s time in the freezer but so far it tastes divine. Kiddos didn’t want to try vegan ice cream but I gave them a sample and they were thrilled. Easy recipe, too. Thanks for sharing!


Laila Vieira Martins May 28, 2014 um 8:03 am

I don’t have an ice cream maker (in fact, I don’t even know if it is sold here in Portugal). Is it possible to do this recipe without it or using a regular mixer? Thanks for the help. 🙂


Jackie May 28, 2014 um 10:57 am

Not really. You can try freezing it, and stirring it every 15 minutes, it might work but it might also just crystalize.


Janice August 23, 2014 um 8:56 am

This is the best ice cream I have ever made. Bar none. Try it. You will not be disappointed.


Heather December 7, 2014 um 8:23 pm

Can I do this some way without an ice cream maker.


Noel February 22, 2015 um 5:52 am

Awesome and simple recipe. DS has been diagnosed with milk allergy and loves chocolate ice cream.
Any brand/product suggestions for good quality unsweetened cocoa powder? Thanks in advance.


Jackie February 22, 2015 um 8:23 am

I like King Arthur Flours cocoa powder. I also like the scharffen berger cocoa powder.


Kathy March 6, 2015 um 1:23 pm

This ice cream has become a regular for us. I have made variations using add ins such as toasted shredded coconut, walnuts, etc. I also originally tried substituting coconut sugar for the cane sugar. Delicious, but it seizes up in the ice cream churner so it’s much more difficult to make. I now use half coconut and half cane sugar and it’s perfect!! Thank you for a wonderfully easy recipe!!


Cindy Hynes May 11, 2015 um 2:11 am

Thanks for posting this great recipe! Made chocolate & vanilla today for Mothers Day. Got great reviews from the little kids & big kids as well! Topped with fruit & chocolate chips… YUM!


Jenni December 30, 2015 um 6:12 pm

Wonder what it would be like subbing the refined sugar with coconut sugar?


Su May 7, 2016 um 8:51 am

oh I totally understand you!!! For years, as child/teen I thought i did not like coconut, the fruit, at all, until I became vegetarian, on the late twenties, and started to use RAW coconut and coconut milk and cream…gosh!! That is divine! What we don’t like are those awful strongly processed chocolate and coconut flavored bars. !!!!! back to natural!!! 😀 a pleasure!


Felicity May 21, 2017 um 12:36 pm

Amazing! I’ve just been diagnosed with celiac disease and lactose intolerance. Have been trying loads of new recipies and hopelessly upset after each one. BUT this has restored my faith that I you can eat good, delicious food without dairy. Thank you again


Carol June 30, 2017 um 7:02 am

After i cooled the mixture there was a hard layer of coconut oil on top. Wasn’t sure what to do with it — It is like chocolate coconut oil. Surely so many people have made this recipe that this has happened to others too? It tastes lovely — in the ice cream freezer right now without the coconut oil chunks. Not sure how it will turn out…Followed the recipe exactly with the addition of some espresso powder along with the cocoa.


Joann June 30, 2017 um 10:25 pm

I just got done making this and oh my… was it soooo delicious! I had a can of reduced fat coconut milk that i thought would mess it up but it was perfect! I dont think i will ever buy chocolate ice cream again. I might try reducing the sugar next time as it was a little too sweet for me, and i am always trying to cut out sugar wherever i can. Thank you for this recipe! Its a keeper.


Michael December 26, 2019 um 5:18 pm

I’m making this now and have replaced the sugar with maple syrup and will also be adding chocolate liqueur to keep the mixture from freezing too solid. It will also add a little extra flavor!


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