Beer Braised Potatoes With Rosemary Beer Gravy
A reader from Iceland emailed me last week to ask what I listen to when I’m cooking. "You seem like a music girl," she said.
Music, food, beer, it all seems to be a different parts of the same creature and just like food can find a matched pair with beer or wine, music is the same way.
Making these potatoes I was lured to music that was timeless, earthy and effortless. Here is a bit of that list:
Something In The Way She Moves, James Taylor
Tampa To Tulsa, The Jayhawks
Torn In My Pride, The Black Crows
Fortune Teller, Robert Plant
Wicker Chair, Kings Of Leon (this was off a Demo they made before they were famous, handed to me late one night on Sunset by Nathan. I’m not sure if it is still available online, but I still listen to that Demo all the time)
Red House, Shudder To Think
Duncan, Delta Spirit
Between prep, braise and eating, this is the music that joined me and the potatoes in the kitchen. A slow, lazy Sunday afternoon playlist that was a perfect compliment to a timeless potato dish.
And the beer that came along for the ride was Damnation by Russian River. A Belgian style beer that gave the starch in the potatoes a beautiful push forward in taste. If you’re a craft beer fan, or just starting to grow in curiosity about the subject, Russian River should be counted among the Craft Beer Meccas of the world. Seek out the beers they make, and plan to stop by the brewery if you ever find yourself in Northern California, or the West Coast, for that matter.
Beer Braised Potatoes With Rosemary Beer Gravy
For The Potatoes:
For The Gravy:
Carrie @ Bakeaholic Mama July 18, 2012 um 10:48 am
I’m drooling. I’d never think to braise my potatoes in beer.
And…Somehow that play list pairs perfectly with this dish!
Cassie July 18, 2012 um 11:17 am
Girl you are brilliant. These flavors + beer = trouble for me. I want a whole batch of these potatoes!
Natalie @ Once Upon a Cutting Board July 18, 2012 um 11:39 am
My boyfriend has been dying to try Russian River beers forever, particularly Pliny the Elder and Younger, but we live in Canada and sadly, they’re not available here. He saw a bottle of Damnation available at a bar on a trip to DC last summer.. it cost almost $30 for the one bottle but he bought it anyway just to be able to try a Russian River beer! He still has the bottle as a souvenir 🙂 I can’t imagine that if we ever got hold of another one, we could bear to use it in food, but these potatoes sure do look amazing! I’ll have to give them a try with a more readily available beer here 🙂
Jackie July 19, 2012 um 10:03 am
I’m lucky to be able to find Russian River so many places in LA, I wish they were more widely distributed. You can always another Belgium Style beer and that should work just fine.
Natalie July 18, 2012 um 1:28 pm
Boy oh boy, those potatoes look like a glorious carb coma waiting to happen!! I’ve got to say that Russian River is one of my favorites as well. Luckily most of the pubs in my area carry the stuff – it’s still hard to find Pliny the Elder in stores though, and the Younger? Forget about it. Damnnation might be easier to find, though I haven’t sought it out. Perhaps I shall this week!
I heard about a Beer Bloggers conference that happened recently (I think!). Did you happen to go to that? How was it if you did?
Jackie July 19, 2012 um 10:05 am
I didn’t go to the Beer Bloggers conference, I feel like much more of a Food Blogger so I went to BlogHer Food in Seattle. I think next year I’ll try to make the Beer Blogger conference. I had to go the five stores to get my hands on just two bottles of PTE, but I have never had the Younger since it has never been bottled. I will have to make a trip up there soon just to have a pint!
Erin @ The Food Doctors July 18, 2012 um 1:35 pm
Holy heaven, that sounds good!
Thora Mecco July 18, 2012 um 10:33 pm
That is a real excellent useful resource for cooking with beer. SO many people love to cook with beer, but there is so few recipes dedicated to the subject. Hope you put out a cookbook very soon!
Ali | Gimme Some Oven July 19, 2012 um 6:21 am
You ARE a music girl! Love your taste!!
And these look SO delicious — especially that gravy! 🙂
Angela July 19, 2012 um 9:25 am
Just came across your blog and I LOVE it! Your recipes look amazing, I can’t wait to try them ALL!
I’m forwarding your blog to all my beer loving girlfriends out there.
Jackie July 19, 2012 um 10:05 am
Thank you so much Angela!
Nancy July 19, 2012 um 9:59 am
My mouth is watering! Potatoes, Beer Gravy and James Taylor in the background…..what could be better?! What a wonderful combination!
…….I’m not sure I’ll be willing to share!
Diane July 19, 2012 um 10:02 am
Oh, I am definitely going to have to make these this weekend. Can’t wait !!
Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies July 19, 2012 um 10:52 am
This is comfort food on a plate. With the added bonus of beer. Another thing to add to my must-make list!
Howard Browb July 19, 2012 um 2:43 pm
Wow, marvelous potatoes.
Nadia K. July 19, 2012 um 9:55 pm
Wow. You really need to have a cook book because I really want to buy it 🙂
Colleen, The Smart Cookie Cook July 20, 2012 um 11:41 am
Sweet jesus, these look good! Potatoes are my biggest weakness in the world.
Stephanie @ Eat. Drink. Love. July 21, 2012 um 9:25 pm
I think I just died and went to potato heaven!
Mike Spector July 22, 2012 um 2:18 am
Very well written post. The music, potatoes and beer all make sense together, I love it all. Keep doing what you are doing – for sure i will check out more posts.