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5 Boozy Whipped Cream Recipes

Boozy whipped creams!

Not just one, but 5 recipes for you. This is a great way to bring your holiday desserts to the next level. Because serving a Chocolate Tart is great, but people remember a Chocolate Tart with Orange Cointreau Whipped Cream. And you don’t even have to tell them that it only took you 3 minutes to throw that whipped cream together.

And Homemade Hot Chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps Whipped Cream will give you the win at Girls Night In this December.

Making homemade whipped cream is incredibly easy, but here are a few tips to make it completely fool proof:

1. Cold, cold, cold. Seriously, cold ingredients or you will be churning butter.

2. You can whip it by hand, with a whisk, of you can use  a stand mixer. Don’t over beat, stop when you have soft peaks.

3. Make it right before you serve it, it tends to break down fairly quickly at room temperature and doesn’t last all that long in the fridge.

4. Taste and adjust as you go. If you want it sweeter, add more sugar. More booze? Go nuts.

Orange Cointreau Whipped Cream. I love this on a rich dark chocolate tart, cranberry apple crumble or a vanilla sponge cake with berries.

Orange Cointreau Whipped Cream


  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp orange juice
  • 1/2 tsp orange zest
  • 1 tbs cointreau


  1. Put all ingredients in a stand mixer, beat on high until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes.

Vanilla Elderflower Whipped Cream. I love this on a lemon cake, peach pie, or strawberry tart.

Vanilla Elderflower Whipped Cream Recipe


  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp elderflower liquor (like St. Germain)


  1. Put all ingredients in a stand mixer, beat on high until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes.


Pumpkin Bourbon Whipped Cream. Of course, this is great on pumpkin pie. But also great on pancakes, waffles, caramel cupcakes and pecan pie.

Pumpkin Bourbon Whipped Cream


  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbs pumpkin puree
  • 2 tbs bourbon


  1. Put all cream, sugar and cinnamon in a stand mixer, beat on high until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes. Gently stir in pumpkin and bourbon.

Peppermint Schnapps Whipped Cream. This is perfect for your Christmas Hot Cocoa, garnish with a mini candy cane. Also great with chocolate fudge cake, or just chocolate mint cupcakes.

Peppermint Schnapps Whipped Cream Recipe


  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp peppermint schnapps


  1. Put all ingredients in a stand mixer, beat on high until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes.


Tequila Lime Whipped Cream. Of course, this is awesome on key lime pie. But it’s also great on pineapple cake, and vanilla pound cake with strawberries.

Tequila Lime Whipped Cream Recipe


  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp lime juice
  • 1/4 tsp zest
  • 1 tbs tequila


  1. Put all ingredients in a stand mixer, beat on high until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes.

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Averie @ Averie Cooks October 24, 2012 um 3:44 am

I love whipped cream….and with booze. Now you are thinking smart 🙂


Jackie October 24, 2012 um 2:43 pm

I love to booze up my whipped cream! I know, shocking for a girl with a beer cooking blog!


Anna @ hiddenponies October 24, 2012 um 8:55 am

Just like the icing on the cake…makes all the difference! Love these varieties 🙂


Anna @ Crunchy Creamy Sweet October 24, 2012 um 9:08 am

Boozy whipped cream – a perfect garnish for just about any dessert! Love this collection, Jackie!


Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies October 24, 2012 um 12:13 pm

I would eat this with a spoon. With a spoon! I’m not a big whipped cream fan unless it’s flavored, so I love these ideas!


Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious October 24, 2012 um 1:50 pm

FIVE whipped cream recipes?! And they have alcohol?! You are my hero, Jackie. And I blame you in advance for my future weight gain 🙂


Jackie October 24, 2012 um 2:43 pm

Haha! I only have myself to blame 😉


Stephanie @ Eat. Drink. Love. October 24, 2012 um 8:25 pm

Ok, I can’t decide which one I want most!!


Gerry @ Foodness Gracious October 24, 2012 um 9:27 pm

I like to cream up my shots on the other hand 😉 A tablespoon of these creams to my vodka would be delish!!


Baker Street October 25, 2012 um 3:18 am

Now we’re talking!! I can’t make up my mind which one to try first! And great tips on making a perfect whipped cream, Jackie!


Maggie October 25, 2012 um 12:48 pm

Do people just ask if they can come over so they can eat whatever you are making…if we lived close I would be at your house everyday! Or maybe I would just raid your fridge when you were gone!


RavieNomNoms October 26, 2012 um 8:04 am

That is too much fun!!


Five Boozy Whipped Cream Recipes. This is how… | PATARIDZE DISTILLERY October 26, 2012 um 8:36 am

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Valerie @ From Valerie’s Kitchen October 28, 2012 um 10:16 am

Wow, these are amazing Jackie! Definitely Pinworthy so I can refer back over the holidays. This totally made me think of my Mom. At summer parties, she would mix a little creme de menthe into some cool whip as a dip for fresh strawberries. It was so simple but so good. I’ll definitely put one or more of these out with my pies this year.


fatpiginthemarket November 7, 2012 um 11:14 am

Vanilla Elderflower whipped cream…thank you!


Laurence February 23, 2013 um 7:06 am

Being a big tequila lover I really like the sound of your tequila Lime Whipped Cream Recipe. Would it also be possible to use a cream whipper and still get the same effect?


Jackie February 23, 2013 um 4:00 pm

I have no idea, I’ve never used one. Wish I could help!


Da dun dada da da da da…TEQUILA! | Shake Bake and Party May 14, 2013 um 7:01 am

[…] It can be found here on Betty Crocker’s website.  For the whipped cream, I adapted this Tequila Lime Whipped Cream recipe from Domestic […]


Kate October 20, 2013 um 6:25 am

Sounds lovely but how long is 'fairly quickly' please? I want to make an alcoholic trifle where every layer contains booze but will be transporting it to somewhere with no facilities for whipping cream. Cheers.


Jackie October 20, 2013 um 6:45 pm

I wouldn’t leave it out of refrigeration for longer than 1 hour, tends to melt quickly.


Dede jones July 3, 2015 um 1:37 pm

Try adding Guar Gum. Maybe a tsp or half a tsp. Found in health food stores. It helps keep frosting and whipped cream standing at room temp. Secrets of the chefs.


Sarah Micheals April 27, 2014 um 7:31 pm

If you need it to last longer try adding it to cool whip or other prepared whipped topping. Works GREAT!


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Angela M Morris December 18, 2017 um 6:45 am

Can you add alcohol to prepared whipped cool whip topping?


Angela M Morris December 18, 2017 um 6:48 am

Can you add alcohol to already prepared Cool Whip Topping and if so, how much?


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